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Annapolis Neurology Associates
Daniel Hexter M.D., Brian Salter M.D., Molly Price M.D., Maya Carter M.D., and Karl Maki, M.D.

Our Philosophy
We take a holistic approach to neurologic diseases, caring for the patient with the latest, most state-of-the-art medical diagnostic techniques and therapies.

2023 Holiday Luncheon
Employee of the Year 2024

Michelle has been with Annapolis Neurology for 2 years. Within those 2 years her dedication to the providers, staff and her patients has been exceptional. She covers the front desk when needed. She mentors new staff and is a go-to for the other medical assistants. She conquers anything that comes her way. She is always looking to better the staff and the practice. We appreciate you, Michelle, for your dedication and leadership.
Happy Halloween 2024

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